Peacharine - Old Time Flavor

Kingsburg Orchards is proud to announce the release of its Peacharines. This beautiful blend of peach and nectarine has no equal. With a sweet, old-fashioned flavor and minimal fuzz, this new release is sure to fly off the shelves. Along with the warm temperatures of summer come California’s most flavorful peaches and nectarines. With the Peacharine you get the best of both delicious fruits. It is sure to leave your taste buds exhilarated!

50/50 Peacharhine Variety Types Availability
Honey Queen 5/9
Scarlet Queen 5/20
Magenta Queen 5/31
Ruby Queen 7/28
Queen Jewel 7/28
Crimson Queen 8/1
Scarlet Queen 2 8/10
Autumn Queen 8/24
Sunrise Queen 9/8
Autumn Queen 2 9/15
* Proprietary Varieties are shown in Bold Italics


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