There are many things we do each day to ensure our well-being. We brush our teeth. We buckle our seat belts in the car. We don't text and drive. We moisturize and wear sunscreen. We look both ways before crossing streets. We turn on lights in dark rooms. We take vitamins. We go to the doctor when we feel sick. We drink water to rehydrate our bodies. We run. We swim. We jump. We walk. We dance. We sing in the shower. We work. We play. We love. We laugh. And we eat.
Following food safety guidelines is an important part of your daily eating routine. When you purchase your fruit, be sure to bag it separately from any meat, poultry, or seafood items, and store them separately when you return home. Remember to wash your fruit and hands thoroughly before eating - even if we have washed the fruit in our facility, there are many hands that can touch it before it reaches your table. Also cut away any spots that appear to have been damaged or badly bruised.
But food safety doesn't begin with the consumer - it begins right here in our fields. All of our fields and facilities are operated with field and food safety in mind. Our products are labeled in accordance with the government's Produce Traceability Initiative to help trace potential outbreaks. All of our facilities are inspected often by outside agencies, and our fruit is inspected by our own inspectors as well as outside inspectors to check its interior quality. If we know a variety is prone to easy bruising, we have our field workers wear gloves and wrap each piece of fruit in tissue to protect it on the trip from the field to the packing facility to cut down any damage it might suffer on its way. We also pack our Apple Pears in a protective "sock" to keep it from bruising on its trip from our facility to your home.
Kingsburg Orchards is also certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union. We are inspected by a Rabbi each year who checks for cleanliness in the field and facilities, employee satisfaction, and compliance with Kosher regulations. This means that we use Kosher cleaning products in the facility, and that any food grade rinses, washes and/or waxes that may be used on the fruit are also certified Kosher.