Dinolicious Display Contest

Are you participating in the DeCA 2013 Dinolicious display contest? Please submit your photo for this year here:

Please remember to include:

- Photographs | No more than 5 per entry
- Store Number
- Commissary Name & Address
- Produce Manager's name

Please do NOT send photographs in powerpoint format.

Please sumbit photos in high resolution .jpg format at 300 dpi. Thank you!

Entry Deadline: Friday, August 23rd

   Sales Band 1-7 DinoContest@gmail.com
   Sales Band 8-14 DinoContest2013@gmail.com

Rules: To enter the display contest, simply create an attention-getting display that promotes Dinosaur Eggs. Displays will be judged on creativity, use of POS materials & logos (from produce supplier), promoting health & wellness - the healthy choice and why, variety, use of DInosaur Nest display units, Display ready bags (DRB's), sampling/demos, and 2012 vs 2013 case movement increases.

2 week ad time line and entries must be received no later than Friday, August 23rd and include pictures, store number, address, and the name of a contact person.

2012 Winners:  Osan Air Base Commissary and Schofield Barracks Commissary

2011 Winners: Pearl Harbor Commissary and JB Charleston Air Force Base Commissary

2010 Winners: Patrick Air Force Base Commissary

2009 Winner: Rock Island Arsenal Commissary

To see a collection of 2012 entries, see the following blog post:  Dinolicious Displays